It's banking, but nicer

We started more than fifty years ago as a family of industry credit unions providing financial services to employees. Now we focus on looking after our members and their families.

Unlike the big banks we're 100% owned by our members, not by shareholders... and we reinvest all profits back into providing better interest rates for our members, better tools and better service.


Simple home loans

Simple loans for purchasing and refinancing properties... without attached offset, credit card or rewards program, from 5.99% pa (interest and comparison rate) for LVRs of 60% or less. 

A dedicated high-interest account to help kids save

Deposit $5 per month (pocket money!) without a withdrawal to earn 5.55% p.a. interest on balances up to $5,555. 

Kids Bonus Saver

Kids Bonus Saver

Earn excellent interest on your additional cash, but keep it available for if you need it.  At-call balances earn 4.65% p.a. interest up to $2 million... just so long as you deposit a minimum of $1,000 per month.

Why does everything seem so expensive?

Dr Steve's video hints on things you can do to keep control over your rising costs of living.
