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Hang up on remote access scammers

Criminals who contact you unexpectedly offering to help ‘fix problems’ with your account, phone or computer are causing increasing financial loss through remote access scams. Professional-sounding scammers ask you to download well-known screen-sharing (or remote desktop application) software. They then use this software to steal from you. Australians reported losing $15.5 million to these scams in 2023, with criminals stealing averages in the tens of thousands of dollars. Australians over 65 years old are losing the most money in these …

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Take the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s training program for online safety

Part 1: First Steps The first of three guides designed to help everyday Australians understand the basics of cyber security, learn how you can take action to protect yourself from common cyber threats. Personal Cyber Security: First Steps Guide | Download the illustrated PDF guide for Part 1 Part 2: Next Steps This guide builds upon the steps you’ve taken and the cyber secure thinking you learned in the First Steps guide, and provides the next level of actionable steps and …

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An introduction to banking, for kids

First Option’s Under-18 Memberships are exclusively for kids, with close parental/guardian supervision. A kid’s membership can include a couple of accounts to help them get used to the idea of budgeting: an everyday account which has an attached Visa debit card (for ages 12 and over only) and a high-interest, online-only savings account: the Kids Bonus Saver, without a Visa card. Having a spending account and a savings account is the foundation of teaching them basic good financial management skills. …

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Telopea Downs, native wildlife sanctuary

It’s been a massive few months for our favourite environmental project! A super-happy Dr Steve was on-site at Telopea Downs when the team successfully re-opened an old bore to soon fill a water hole for native birds inside the wildlife sanctuary, and to provide water for new on-site visitor facilities.  The Carbon Landscapes crew also completed projects to replace perimeter fences and firebreaks, establish access tracks and start building wildlife protective fencing around where the water hole will be to …

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Pathways to Home Ownership

With increasing cost of living pressures, prospective home buyers are struggling to save a 20 per cent deposit but don’t lose hope of achieving your dream of home ownership, there are alternative pathways you can consider. Rent-to-own A rent-to-own arrangement is when the prospective home buyer leases a property, with the intention of purchasing it at the end of the leasing agreement. This pathway to home ownership may mean you can avoid having to save a 20 per cent deposit, …

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Spring clean your online life

Here are some suggestions for improving your online security protection through some simple steps which shouldn’t take long or cost much money. Keep your device software up-to-date Cybercriminals, malicious software and computer viruses are always looking for ways into your devices. One of the most common ways they do this is through exploiting weakness in software—also known as vulnerabilities. Much like a thief attempting to break into a home, cybercriminals will always look for the easiest way in. When your …

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The Interesting History and Future of Plastic

The first man-made plastic was created by Alexander Parkes and demonstrated at the 1862 Great International Exhibition in London. This new material, ‘nitrocellulose’, was organic (plant-based) rather than synthetic (oil-based). It could be moulded into a shape when heated but retained this shape when cooled. Unfortunately, it was also highly flammable. In fact an early use for nitrocellulose was as a substitute called guncotton to using expensive gunpower. The Parkesine company was formed to mass-produce nitrocellulose but it failed when …

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AI Isn’t New

Borrowed from: A Mildly Terrifying Conversation About AI With Dr Catriona Wallace Dr Catriona Wallace gave one of the keynote speeches at the Customer-Owned Banking Association conference in September. She is an expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence, an adjunct professor, Australian government advisor on AI, founder of one of the first Artificial Intelligence companies to list on the Australian Securities Exchange and the co-author of the book Checkmate Humanity: the how and why of Responsible AI. She’s also apparently on a …

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